Definition and purpose of the sensor
мини|304x304пкс|Текущий дизайн ТД-600 High-precision fuel level sensors (FLS, also meters or sensors) of the Escort brand are designed to determine the filling level of petroleum products in fuel tanks, reservoirs and storage tanks. The TD-600 meter (sensor) is used in transport technology as a fuel level meter, in industry - as a level meter for any light petroleum products. Escort FLS measurement type is capacitive. Its readings are based on the dielectric constant of the medium in which it operates; in this case, the medium is various types of light petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, motor oil).
More detailed technical characteristics are presented in the тех.паспорте устройства.
Basic terms and concepts
Fuel level sensor (FLS) - device which is used for measuring fuel level.
Serial number - code consisting of letters and numbers assigned to a device (sensor).
CNT - an oscillatory circuit, thanks to which the basic level of filling of the sensor measuring tubes with fuel is calculated. This level is converted to a final value determined by the data interface.
Data transfer protocol - a set of specific logical-level rules or conventions that govern the exchange of data between different programs or devices. For TD-600, the main transmission protocol is LLS via the RS-485 and RS-232 interfaces.
Режим передачи данных - это своеобразная граница между двумя объектами или узлами, которые регламентируются особым принятым стандартом и реализуются с помощью установленных методов, средств и правил. ТД-600 имеет следующие режимы работы:
- RS-485 Пассивный по протоколу LLS
- RS-485 Активный по протоколу LLS
- RS-232 Пассивный по протоколу LLS
- RS-232 Активный протоколу LLS и ASCII
- Аналоговый
- Частотный
Интерфейс - физический способ подключения и/или набор программных инструментов, с помощью которого осуществляется передача данных между двумя или более устройствами.
RS-485 Пассивный- цифровой режим передачи данных. Датчик ждет соответствующего запроса от принимающего устройства. Работает по протоколу LLS. На основе CNT формируется значение в условных единицах выбранного диапазона (1-1023 у.е. или 1-4095 у.е.). На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
Преобразователь - цифровой преобразователь RS-485 в USB (С200М или С200М2) для настройки проводных датчиков.
Активный (периодический) RS-485 - разновидность вышеуказанного режима работы, при котором датчик, не ожидая запроса от приемника, сам передает пакеты с данными каждые 2 секунды.
RS-232 - цифровой режим передачи данных. Работает по протоколу LLS и ASCII, при наличии запроса LLS датчик отвечает по протоколу LLS при отсутвии запроса датчик активно выдает данные в формате ASCII. На основе CNT формируется значение в условных единицах выбранного диапазона (1-1023 у.е. или 1-4095 у.е.). На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
Аналоговый - режим, при котором на основе CNT формируется соответствующий вольтаж в примерном диапазоне 0,2-5В.
Частотный - режим, в котором на основе CNT формируется соответствующая частота в Гц (301-1323 Гц при диапазоне значений 1-1023; 301-4395 Гц при диапазоне значений 1-4095).
Импульсный - режим, в котором на основе CNT формируется пачка импульсов частотой 27 Гц. Количество импульсов в пачке соответствует измеренному уровню топлива. Минимальному уровню соответствует пачка из 2 импульсов, максимальному - пачка из 1025 импульсов.
Навигационный терминал - это главный элемент системы мониторинга работы транспорта, осуществляемого с помощью спутниковой связи. Без него невозможно осуществлять контроль транспорта, определить координаты местонахождения транспортного средства. Он собирает информацию с датчиков и бортовой системы транспорта, а затем осуществляет её передачу на устройство\сервер, которые принадлежат контролирующему процесс специалисту.
Preparing the Tank
To prepare the tank you should:
- Empty the tank, clean and dry if necessary
- Remove fuel vapors and air from the tank (especially for a gasoline tank, but in the case of a diesel engine, this procedure should not be neglected, since gasoline could be added to the diesel); to do this, you can heat water to boiling point and direct the resulting steam into the tank or use carbon dioxide so that it displaces fuel vapors and air; ensure that any open flame sources are sufficiently far away from the fuel tank715x715пкс
- Find the geometric center of the tank and drill a hole in it using a ø3mm drill bit. Then, using a piece of stiff wire, examine the tank for the presence of partitions in itбез|мини|831x831пкс|Выбор места установки ДУТбез|мини|835x835пкс|Сверление бака и последующее исследование бака на наличие перегородок
- If the space inside the tank in the selected location is free, drill a ø 35 mm hole using a bimetallic bit; When drilling, keep the bit tilted slightly to prevent the cut section from falling into the tank. Use a magnet to catch chips and prevent them from getting into the tank.без|мини|714x714пкс|Сверление отверстия под угломбез|мини|864x864пкс|Удаление высверленного диска
- If it is impossible to install the sensor in the geometric center of the tank, try choosing another location as close as possible to the geometric center of the tank; this point should coincide with the place where the height of the tank is maximum. This way you reduce the risk and amplitude of level fluctuations associated with fuel movement while driving.
Why should the sensor be mounted in the geometric center of the tank?
The highest point must be chosen so that the sensor can measure the level of all the fuel inside the tank without any blind spots.
The fuel level readings from a sensor installed in the center of the tank will be least affected by movement and fuel overflow in the tank.
If it is not possible to install the sensor in the center of the tank, consider installing two sensors diagonally at two corners. When fuel flows to one side of the tank, the level on the corresponding sensor will rise, and on the opposite side, the level will correspondingly decrease, while the average level will remain unchanged.
Видео пример важности установки датчика по геометрическому центру бака. без|мини|805x805px|Положение датчика и перетекание топлива
Attention: Before starting the calibration, the vehicle/fuel tank must be positioned flat in relation to the horizon, i.e. on a level surface without a slope.
If the tank has an irregular geometric shape, the sensor must be installed at the maximum depth of the tank, closer to the geometric center.
без|мини|737x737пкс|Датчик установлен в самое высокое место бака
When installation in the center is impossible - two or more FLS.
To increase accuracy and reduce level fluctuations, install two sensors in one tank. This solution is mainly used in tanks with a capacity of more than 600 liters and having a length of 1500 mm. Sensors must not be installed close to the walls of the tank.
Also, two or more sensors should be installed if it is not possible to install the sensor in the center of the tank and (or) the tank has an elongated shape, i.e. The length of the tank is significantly greater than its height. без|мини|748x748пкс|Два датчика установленных по диагонали Note. Installing a single sensor in an elongated tank will allow you to detect drains and refills. But increased level fluctuations while driving may not allow the monitoring platform to correctly read fuel consumption. Therefore, installing two sensors is preferable.
Preparing the sensor
Preparing the sensor tubes
Before calibrating the sensor, you should determine the future length of the measuring tubes in accordance with the height of the tank and cut or extend them. The length of the tubes should be calculated according to the following formula:
L = H - 15 mm,
where L - tubes length after changing the length
H - height of the tank at the installation point.
ATTENTION!!! The minimum length of the tubes should not be less than 15 cm (150 mm). Otherwise, it will most likely not be possible to obtain adequate graphics. The maximum length of the tubes can reach 6m.
без|мини|843x843пкс|Измерение высоты бака без|мини|846x846пкс|Измерение длины трубок Use a hacksaw to cut the tubes. When sawing, be careful not to damage the connection of the tubes to the circuit board inside the sensor head and to prevent metal shavings from falling into the tubes. без|мини|Обрезка трубок|600x600пкс Avoid getting shavings inside the tubes - this may lead to a short circuit in the sensor; if this happens, blow the tubes with compressed air through the drainage holes under the sensor flange. Sand the edges of the tubes with sandpaper to remove any burrs or irregularities.
To extend sensor tubing, use a collet extension and an additional tube. без|мини|878x878пкс|Цанговое соединение Inner nuts (yellow elements) are used to connect the inner tubes. Once they are installed and the studs are screwed into them, the tubes do not have to touch each other, but try to get them as close to each other as possible. без|мини|621x621пкс|Внутреннее соединение цангового соединения The outer coupling and the corresponding nuts must be securely tightened. The outer tubes should touch each other. без|мини|602x602px|Цанговое соединение установлено Посмотрите это видео на нашем YouTube канале для ознакомления с соединением в реальном времени.
Connection dimensions
без|мини|600x600пкс|Присоединительные размеры проводных дут
Connection to the sensor, setup, calibration and calibration via the configurator on a PC
Installation of the configurator and connection to the sensor
Датчик можно настроить при помощи конфигуратора на ПК версии 2.7.1 (далее - "конфигуратор").
Если при запуске конфигуратора 2.7.1 выходит ошибка, необходимо установить дополнительные библиотеки майкрософт.
After starting the installation of components, you must wait for the message that the installation is complete, this may take a long time on some computers.
Файл:Runtimepack установлен.png
Connect the sensor to the USB-RS-485 converter using a 6-pin MOLEX connector or using cable clamps if a cable route is connected to the sensor. Orange wire is line A of the RS-485 sensor interface, white wire is line B of the RS-485 sensor interface, black wire is GND, red is PWR. без|мини|800x800пкс|Датчик подключенный при помощи MOLEX без|мини|800x800пкс|Датчик подключенный при помощи кабель-трассы (укороченной) и кабельных зажимов We recommend using our Escort C200M/C200M2 USB-RS-485 converter, since we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility of our devices with converters from other brands.
When working with a laptop, we recommend connecting it to the power supply and/or connecting an additional USB cable to the ADD connector of the PWR C200M. Otherwise, there may not be enough power to operate the sensor and transmitter.
Along with installing the configurator, the drivers for the C200M will be installed automatically.
If you use C200M2 on Windows 10 and 11 operating systems, drivers should be installed automatically from Windows Update, on the Windows 7 operating system and below, you may need to disable the electronic signature of drivers and manually install drivers for the С200M2.
If the driver was installed correctly, then after connecting the converter to your PC/laptop, you will see the STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (1)(C200M) or USB-SERIAL CH341A (2)(C200M2) device in the COM and LPT ports section of the Windows device manager " to enter this menu, press win+r and enter devmgmt.msc and press OK (3) and then expand the com ports submenu (4)"
The com port number displayed in this menu is also needed to connect the sensor.
After connecting the inverter, the sensor to it and checking the installation of drivers with checking the com port number of the inverter it is necessary to open the configurator, select the necessary com port which we could find out in the device manager(1) and press the button Open port(2).
After opening the port, connect the sensor to the transmitter and click Search for sensors
The connection to the FLS should be made within 15 seconds after the sensor has been connected to power, if the sensor operating mode has been changed from RS-485 to any other.
After connecting the sensor, you should see this menu:
- Sensor serial number
- Sensor firmware version (FW)
- Current value “Empty”
- Current value “Full”
- Network address of the sensor being polled (This address is used for RS-485 and RS-232 mode connections)
- Current CNT level (raw level value) of the sensor
- Current sensor level
- Sensor temperature
- Current sensor operating mode
- Additional sensor settings such as: Master mode, range (1024 il 4096), angle transmission redim.
- Current degree of filtration
Sensor calibration
Файл:Калибровка ТД-600 в конфигураторе 2.7.1.gif
After you have lengthened or shortened the sensor tubes - you must perform a sensor calibration procedure.
To do this you need:
- Insert the centralizer into the tubes
- Fill the tubes with fuel (by covering the drain holes with duct tape and filling the tubes by turning the sensor upside down or immersing the sensor tubes completely in fuel)
- Wait for CNT level to stabilize (1)
- Click “Set Current level” (2) opposite “Full”
- The value “Full”(3) should change to a value close to the current CNT value (1), but not equal to it, because this value is set according to the temperature compensation of the sensor
857x857пкс без|мини|671x671пкс|Центратор без|мини|670x670пкс|Центратор на трубках
Закрытие дренажных отверстий, переворачивание датчика и заполнение трубок топливом
Заполнение трубок погружением датчика в топливо (дренажные отверстия открыты)
- Empty the tubes of fuel, leave the centralizer in the tubes
- Wait for CNT to stabilize (1)
- Click “Set Current level” (2) opposite “Empty”
- The value "Empty" (3) should change to a value close to the value of the current CNT (1), but not equal to it, since this value is set according to the temperature compensation of the sensor
- The sensor level should display as 1, the sensor calibration process is complete.
Thus, CNT should increase as the sensor tubes fill with fuel. It should change from a value close to the Empty calibration value to the Full calibration value.
Setting the calibration value Full and Empty manually
We do not recommend using this functionality, but you can set the Full and Empty calibration values manually to save time when you are using sensors of the same length in the same tanks.
Attention!!! Setting calibration values manually will most likely increase the sensor error! We do not recommend doing this!
To do this, enter the calibration values Full and Empty of the previously calibrated sensor into the corresponding fields in the configurator and click “Set” against “Empty” and “Full”
Setting the mode, range and network address
Setting the mode
Under Modes (1), you can switch between the sensor's operating modes. The mode name is the same as the interface used to physically connect the sensor to the GPS terminal.
Check the desired mode and press Set (2).
- Режим RS-485 (RS485 mode) следует выбрать, когда планируется подключать к линии А и В интерфейса RS-485 терминала. Терминал должен иметь функцию опроса датчиков, например запрашивать у них информацию. Терминал должен уметь опрашивать датчики в соответствии с протоколом LLS. На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
- Аналоговый режим (Analog mode) используется при подключении датчика к аналоговому входу терминала (AIN), который может принимать сигнал от датчика в диапазоне ≈0.2В … ≈9.0 В
- Частотный режим (Frequency mode) используется при подключении к GPS терминалу к входам, которые могут принимать и считывать сигналы в диапазоне 300 Hz … 1323 Hz или 300 Hz … 4395 Hz
- Периодический/импульсный режим (Periodic/impulse mode) (Periodic/Active RS485 mode) следует использовать при подключении датчика к импульсному входу терминала.
- Периодический/активный режим (Periodic/Active RS485 mode) следует использовать, если терминал имеет интерфейс подключения RS-485, но не может самостоятельно опрашивать датчик, например запрашивать у него информацию; датчик будет отправлять свои показания самостоятельно каждые 2 секунды.
- Режим RS-232 (RS-232 mode) следует выбирать, если подключение осуществляется по интерфейсу RS-232 (входы Rx и Tx); На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
in this mode, the sensor waits for a request from the terminal via the LLS protocol, e.g:
- 3101066C это запрос информации об уровне топлива и температуры датчика с сетевым номером 1 (ID датчика в режиме RS-232);
- 3E0106110100010030 ответ от датчика на запрос указанный выше; 11 – температура HEX (17°C), 01 00 – уровень 00 01 HEX (обратный порядок байтов, 1501 это 0115 означет уровень 276); остальные байты не информативны, за исключением последнего, который является контрольной суммой CRC-8 MAXIM;
- Если на датчик не поступало таких запросов в течении 10 сек, то он начинает отправлять свои показания в формате ASCII, например F=С0F2 t=11 N=0001.0 <CR><LF>) F это CNT, t это темпераутра, N это уровень, все в формате HEX.
Setting the range
If you are configuring the sensor to operate in RS-485, RS-232, Active RS-485 or Frequency modes, you can select a range of 1-1023 or 1-4095 (1) . In frequency mode, the range will be 300Hz to 1323Hz or 300Hz to 4395Hz.
After changing the range, press “Set” (2).
The range 1-1023 is most often used for sensors that are shorter than 1 meter. However, if it is a stationary tank with a small height, while the length and width are greater than 2-3 meters, it is better to choose the range 1-4095.
Setting the network address
The default network address of the sensor is 1; if more than one unit is installed or other LLS devices are added, the network address on the sensor may need to be changed. The network address of each sensor must also be specified in the settings of the receiving device (navigation terminal).
Attention!!! There cannot be two devices with the same network address on the same line; this will cause a conflict.
To change the network address, enter a new address in the range of 0-255, click “Change Network Address” (1), enter the new address (2), click “OK”(3), then you need to “Search for Sensors”(4), to connect to the sensor with the new address.
Дополнительные параметры
Master mode
The TD-600 sensor also has an additional master mode in which the TD-600 polls up to 7 connected sensors (slaves) via RS-485 using the LLS protocol and transmits its and their data in ASCII format in the active mode via RS-232
Example of information output by a sensor with 2 connected slaves:
где t_* это температура в HEX
11 это 17°C, 15 это 21°C, FFFFFFBF это отрицательное значение, первые 6 знаков можно игнорировать BF это 191 тоесть значение -65°C по формуле x-256.
N_* уровень в HEX
0001 это 1, 02D8 это 728, 0025 это 37
Цифра после номера означает номер слейва, 0 это данные самого ТД-600, 1-7 это номера слейвов.
Для включения режима мастера установите галочку на режиме Master mode и нажмите Установить
Файл:Выбор режима мастер ТД-600 2.7.1.png
Для настройки соединения между ТД-600 Мастером и датчиками-слэйвами установите галчоки на S1 … S7 строки и введите сетевые адреса каждого датчика-слэйва в поле Net_Num . Установите индивидуальный сетевой адрес для каждого датчика-слэйва в настройках как Мастера, так и самого слэйва. и после нажмите Set.
Angle measurement
Sometimes monitoring platforms may detect false drains and refueling while the vehicle is moving.
To solve this problem, you can use readings of the accelerometer built into the TD-600 sensor.
For this purpose, select RS-485 only (this function will not work in Periodic RS-485 mode or in any other mode) The main network address of the sensor must be different from 255.
Check the 'Angle' box (1) in the Modes section of the configurator. Then, click Set (2) first and then Search for sensors.
In this mode the tilt angle will be transmitted to the next from the main address of the sensor.
Press Horizon (3) to calibrate the tilt zero.
Tank calibration
Once the length sensor has been adjusted to the height of the tank and the sensor has been calibrated, you need to install it in the tank.
Install the sensor into the tank of the installed tube in the previously drilled hole ø 30-35 mm. Make sure the gasket is installed between the sensor and the tank. After this, screw the screws from the installation kit into the previously drilled ø 3mm holes.
Установка датчика внутрь бака
Закручивание саморезов
Proceed to tank calibration. This procedure will result in a "level-liters" (or "level-gallons") table that will allow your monitoring platform to convert the level values that the sensor provides into liters/gallons that are displayed in the monitoring platform reports.
In order to create such a table, you need to fill the tank by step by step adding fuel to the tank batch by batch and recording level-liter(/gallon) pairs after each batch using the Tare menu in the application.
Suppose you need to tare a 100L tank in ten 10L portions.
To do this you should:
- Connect sensor Make sure that the filtration is set to “No” (1). Filtration slows down the level calculation and can increase the tank calibration time. Create an Excel table. Save it in .csv format. The first row of the table should look like this: Файл:Первая строчка тарировки в Excel.png You can also create a text file on your PC/Phone or manually record calibration
- Select whether calibration is performed by filling or draining. The Filling method is recommended as it is more accurate. If you select the Drain method, you cannot be sure what exact amount of fuel is in the tank and whether the tank is full or not.
- Select portion size
ATTENTION! Portion volume is not the number of portions! This is the number of liters/gallons in each portion! In the example below, the tank supposedly contains 100 liters and this volume can be divided into 10 portions of 10 liters. If the volume of the tank was 300L and it needed to be divided into 10 portions, the portion size would be 30L.
- Start calibrating the tank by pouring portions into the tank or emptying the tank for a given portion and recording the level in the table after it has stabilized
An example of calibration by filling in portions of 10 liters and imagine that in this case there are 10 liters in the tank that cannot be removed and when the sensor is placed in the tank it immediately shows the value 115 instead of 1.
Файл:Тарировочная таблица, уровень 115, 10 литров.png421x421пкс
You add the first portion of fuel to the tank. The level should change from 115 to some other value. If the level does not change, check the sensor drain holes. They may be blocked by electrical tape, which must be removed after the sensor has been calibrated. If the holes are blocked, the air inside the tubes will prevent fuel from getting inside the tubes.
Файл:Добавление второй порции в бак.png
Next, add the following row to your table.
Файл:Тарировочная таблица, уровень 223, 20 литров.png
Continue this until the tank is full.
However, if there are bends or other irregularities in the shape of the tank, the volume of fuel portions should be reduced until the fuel level is above the irregularly shaped section of the tank. After overcoming such a section, you should return to the original portion volume.
Assume that you do the tank calibration in portions of 10 liters as before. The level rises to an area with a complex shape.
You reduce the serving size from 10 to 5 liters. And continue adding portions until you overcome the area with a complex shape.
When the level is above the problem area, you can return to the original serving volume of 10 liters.
Once the tank is full, you will have a calibration chart like the following example.
401x401пксФайл:Законченная таблица тарировки.png
If in your case the level does not reach 1023 or 4095 because the tank cannot be filled completely, do not worry about it. It is acceptable that your table would end up like the following example, even though the sensor range is 1-1023. без|мини|Таблица для бака, который нельзя заполнить на 100%|511x511пкс The number of servings depends on the capacity of the tank. See the table with our recommendations below.
Recommended number and portion size for calibrating the tank | ||
Tank volume | Number of portions | Volume of each portion
(Tank Volume / Number of portions) |
0-60 | 10-20 | 3-4 |
61-100 | 12-20 | 5 |
101-500 | 10-50 | 10 |
501-1000 | 20-50 | 20 |
Over 1000 | As per your capabilities. The rule of thumb is that the larger the portions and smaller the volume, the more accurate the data will be |
The rule of thumb: more portions means more accurate reports on the monitoring platform.
You can create a table on your platform by loading it from a file or by entering values manually. без|мини|687x687пкс|Загрузка таблицы на Wialon (пример). Не забудьте отметить "Генерировать пары XY"
Tilted tank calibration with 2 FLSs
If it is not possible to level the car/tank with respect to the horizon, you can calibrate it in the tilted position of the tank.
Technically, this kind of calibration is no different from the usual one: you pour a portion of fuel into the tank, wait for the level to stabilize, fix it, and fill in the next portion.
However, the details of such calibration are much more important, so the algorithm of actions should be as follows:
- Pour portions of fuel into the tank until the fuel level reaches the measuring tubes of the second FLS, which is located higher due to the inclination.
- When the second sensor reaches the fuel level, reduce the size of the poured portion by half. IMPORTANT: it is necessary to reduce the portion only in the calibration tables for both FLS; the actual volume of the portion being filled remains unchanged.
- Once the tubes of the sensor located lower down are completely immersed in fuel, the calibration of this FLS is considered complete.
- However, before continuing calibration of the second FLS, it is necessary to return the nominal portion volume to the original (i.e. double it). IMPORTANT: The actual portion size still remains unchanged until the tank is finally filled and the calibration process is completed.
Thus, the resulting calculation tables (calibration tables) will be adequately accepted by the monitoring platform if a third FLS (virtual) is created in it, which is the sum of two real FLS. без|мини|517x517пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ1 без|мини|450x450пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ2
Calibration of a tank whose height varies along its length
This method of calibration is in many ways similar to that presented in the previous part.
The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Pour portions of fuel into the tank until the fuel level reaches the measuring tubes of the second FLS, which is located higher due to the difference in height.
- When the second sensor reaches the fuel level, reduce the size of the poured portion by half. IMPORTANT: it is necessary to reduce the portion only in the calibration tables for both FLS; the actual volume of the portion being filled remains unchanged.
- Continue calibrating in this manner until the tank is full.
Thus, the resulting calculation tables (calibration tables) will be adequately accepted by the monitoring platform if a third FLS (virtual) is created in it, which is the sum of two real FLS. без|мини|632x632пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ 1 без|мини|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ 2
Once the tank calibration is complete, select the desired filtration degree (1) and press “Set mode” (2)
Below are recommendations for choosing the filtration level for different types of vehicles:
Recommended filtration level for wired FLS
0-1 | Stationary units |
2-6 | Vehicles on high or medium quality roads |
7-12 | Agricultural machinery units |
13-15 | Heavy-duty machinery |
General tips for installing filtration:
- If the length of the tubes is less than 30 cm, the filtration level must be set higher than usual
- The closer the sensor is to the tank walls, the higher the filtration is
- The worse the road surface, the higher the filtration
- You only need to set the median filter type
без|мини|814x814пкс|Пример до установки фильтрации и после.
Setting and removing a password
If necessary, you can set a password on the sensor to change settings.
To do this:
- Click on the “Set Password” button(1), in the menu that opens you can enter a password consisting of numbers(2) and click “OK”(3) Also note that the password cannot start with 0. 872x872пкс
To remove the password on the sensor
- Enter the password in the “Enter Password” menu
- Click set password and enter password 0
Attention! No password is set on the sensor by default! If you have connected a sensor and a password has already been set on the sensor, please contact technical support.
Connection to the sensor, setup, calibration and calibration via a mobile application on Android
Connection to the sensor
Проводные датчики можно подключить к смартфону к приложению Эскорт конфигуратор. Для этого вам понадобятся:
- Smartphone running Android operating system with OTG technology support
- RS-485 - USB converter, for example, Escort C200m2
- USB-OTG adapter for connecting the converter to a smartphone
Attention! You cannot update the FW of the sensor through an application on a smartphone; this can only be done using a computer and the Bootloader program
By connecting the sensor to your smartphone you can:
- calibrate the sensor
- change filtering level
- change network address
- select the sensor operating mode
- select measurement range (1023 or 4095)
- set or change password
- calibrate the tank
без|мини|518x518пкс|Схема подключения датчика к телефону без|мини|523x523пкс|Схема подключения датчика к телефону с подачей дополнительного питания
- Connect the sensor to your smartphone according to the diagram
- Check that the converter is turned on (there is a power indication), on some models the OTG mode must be enabled manually in the phone settingsбез|мини|Пример включения режима OTG на смартфонах OPPO
- Select the RS-485 tab (1)
- Select Fuel level sensor (2)
- When connecting for the first time, the phone should ask for access to the converter, click OK
без|мини|Предоставление доступа приложению к С200М2
- If such a request does not appear and the sensor is not detected, try connecting additional power to the sensor according to the connection diagram, also check that the power indication on the converter is active and that the OTG mode is enabled on the smartphone
- If, after asking for permission, you receive the error “Unable to connect the device,” this is normal. Just select the fuel level sensor again.без|мини|Ошибка не удалось подключить устройство после запроса разрешения
- If you are using a C200M inverter, you can connect an additional power supply to the inverter. To do this, you need to take a power supply for charging your smartphone with a microUSB connector and connect it to the C200M using the ADD PWR connector
- Once connected successfully, you will see the main screen of the sensor.
Файл:Параметры ТД-150 при подключении через мобильное приложение.png
- Sensor serial number
- Sensor firmware version (FW)
- Sensor temperature
- Network address of the polled sensor (This address is used when connecting in RS485 mode)
- Current sensor operating mode
- Current filtration type and level
- Current sensor level
- Connected sensor model
Sensor calibration
After you have lengthened or shortened the sensor tubes, you need to carry out the sensor calibration procedure.
To do this you need:
- Go to the "Settings" menu
- Insert the centralizer into the tubes
- Fill the tubes with fuel (by sealing the drain holes with duct tape and filling the tubes, turning the sensor upside down, or submerging the sensor tubes completely in fuel)
- Wait for the CNT level to stabilize (2)
- Deselect the "Calibration without fuel" slider (1)
- Press "Full" (3)
- The value "Full" (4) should change to a value close to the value of the current CNT (2), but not equal to it, since this value is set according to the temperature compensation of the sensor
990x990пкс без|мини|671x671пкс|Центратор без|мини|670x670пкс|Центратор на трубках
Закрытие дренажных отверстий, переворачивание датчика и заполнение трубок топливом
Заполнение трубок погружением датчика в топливо (дренажные отверстия открыты)
- Empty the tubes of fuel, leave the centralizer in the tubes
- Wait for CNT to stabilize (2)
- Click "Empty" (3)
- The value "Empty" (4) should change to a value close to the value of the current CNT (2), but not equal to it, since this value is set according to the temperature compensation of the sensor
Thus, CNT should increase as the sensor tubes fill with fuel. It should change from a value close to the Empty calibration value to the Full calibration value.
Calibration without fuel
An alternative calibration option is calibration without fuel.
In this case, make sure that the sensor tubes are empty, there is no fuel in them, but the centralizer must be inserted into the tubes. Leave the "Calibrate without fuel" switch (1) active (green) and press "Calibrate" (2) . The values above the Empty and Full buttons will change automatically.
If you calibrate the sensor without fuel, the operating range may change slightly.
Initially there are two measurement ranges:
- From 1 to 1023
- From 1 to 4095
The sensor never sends a value of 0. If there is no fuel, level 1 is displayed.
When calibrating without fuel, since the sensor does not know what fuel will be used, the "Empty" value is set based on the current (CNT), the "Full" value is set by a formula and, depending on the length of the tubes and the final fuel used, the range may change .
For example, when the tank is full, the sensor will show 3843 instead of 4095, or it is possible that when the tank is 98% full, the sensor will already display the value 4095.
We recommend, if possible, calibration with fuel.
Setting the mode, range and network address
Setting the mode
In the main menu, you can change the operating mode of the sensor. The name of the mode coincides with the interface that is used to physically connect the sensor to the GPS terminal
Go to Settings
Select the mode you need(1) and press “Set parameters”(2)
- Режим RS-485 (RS485 mode) следует выбрать, когда планируется подключать к линии А и В интерфейса RS-485 терминала. Терминал должен иметь функцию опроса датчиков, например запрашивать у них информацию. Терминал должен уметь опрашивать датчики в соответствии с протоколом LLS. На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
- Аналоговый режим (Analog mode) используется при подключении датчика к аналоговому входу терминала (AIN), который может принимать сигнал от датчика в диапазоне ≈0.2В … ≈9.0 В
- Частотный режим (Frequency mode) используется при подключении к GPS терминалу к входам, которые могут принимать и считывать сигналы в диапазоне 300 Hz … 1323 Hz или 300 Hz … 4395 Hz
- Периодический/импульсный режим (Periodic/impulse mode) (Periodic/Active RS485 mode) следует использовать при подключении датчика к импульсному входу терминала.
- Периодический/активный режим (Periodic/Active RS485 mode) следует использовать, если терминал имеет интерфейс подключения RS-485, но не может самостоятельно опрашивать датчик, например запрашивать у него информацию; датчик будет отправлять свои показания самостоятельно каждые 2 секунды.
- Режим RS-232 (RS-232 mode) следует выбирать, если подключение осуществляется по интерфейсу RS-232 (входы Rx и Tx); На датчиках с серийным номером выше 26339 RS-485 и RS-232 работают паралельно.
в этом режиме датчик ждет запроса от терминала по протоколу LLS, например:
- 3101066C это запрос информации об уровне топлива и температуры датчика с сетевым номером 1 (ID датчика в режиме RS-232);
- 3E0106110100010030 ответ от датчика на запрос указанный выше; 11 – температура HEX (17°C), 01 00 – уровень 00 01 HEX (обратный порядок байтов, 1501 это 0115 означет уровень 276); остальные байты не информативны, за исключением последнего, который является контрольной суммой CRC-8 MAXIM;
- Если на датчик не поступало таких запросов в течении 10 сек, то он начинает отправлять свои показания в формате ASCII, например F=С0F2 t=11 N=0001.0 <CR><LF>) F это CNT, t это темпераутра, N это уровень, все в формате HEX.
Setting the range
If you are configuring the sensor to operate in RS-485, Active RS-485, or Frequency modes, you can select the range 1-1023 or 1-4095 (1) . In frequency mode, the range will be from 300Hz to 1323Hz or 300Hz to 4395Hz.
After changing the range, press “Set parameters” (2).
The range 1-1023 is most often used for sensors that are shorter than 1 meter. However, if we are talking about a stationary tank, the height of which is small, then the length and width are more than 2-3 m, it is better to choose the range 1-4095.
Setting the network address
The default network address of the sensor is 1; if more than one unit is installed or other LLS devices are added, the network address on the sensor may need to be changed. The network address of each sensor must also be specified in the settings of the receiving device (navigation terminal).
Attention!!! There cannot be two devices with the same network address on the same line; this will cause a conflict.
To change the network address, enter a new address in the range 0-255 in the “Network address” field (1) and click “Set parameters” (2)
Tank calibration
Режим Мастер
В датчике ТД-600 так же имеется дополнительный режим мастера в котором ТД-600 опрашивает до 7 подключенных датчиков(слейвов) по RS-485 по протоколу LLS и передает свои и их данные в формате ASCII в активном режиме по RS-232
Пример выдачи информации датчиком с 2 подключенными слейвами:
где t_* это температура в HEX
11 это 17°C, 15 это 21°C, FFFFFFBF это отрицательное значение, первые 6 знаков можно игнорировать BF это 191 то есть значение -65°C по формуле x-256.
N_* уровень в HEX
0001 это 1, 02D8 это 728, 0025 это 37
Цифра после номера означает номер слейва, 0 это данные самого ТД-600, 1-7 это номера слейвов.
Для включения режима мастера перейдите в меню "Режим Мастер"
Установите галочку на "Режим Мастер" и включите нужное количество слейвов и укажите им адреса, они должны отличаться от друг друга и от адреса датчика. И после нажмите "Установить"
Измерение угла
Иногда мониторинговые платформы могут фиксировать ложные сливы и заправки во время движения транспортного средства.
Для решения данной проблемы вы можете использовать показания встроенного в датчик ТД-600 акселерометра.
Для этого, следует выбирать только RS-485 (данная функция не будет работать в Периодическом RS-485 режиме или в любом другом) Основной сетевой адрес датчика должен быть отличным от 255.
В данном режиме по следующему от оснвоного адреса датчика будет передаваться угол наклона.
Для включения передачи угла наклона перейдите в "Доп. возможности"
Установите галочку "Передавать угол наклона"
Для калибровки нуля наклона необходимо нажать "Установить 0"
Tank calibration
Once the length sensor has been adjusted to the height of the tank and the sensor has been calibrated, you need to install it in the tank.
Install the sensor into the tank of the installed tube in the previously drilled hole ø 30-35 mm. Make sure the gasket is installed between the sensor and the tank. After this, screw the screws from the installation kit into the previously drilled ø 3mm holes.
Установка датчика внутрь бака
Закручивание саморезов
Proceed to tank calibration. This procedure will result in a "level-liters" (or "level-gallons") table that will allow your monitoring platform to convert the level values that the sensor provides into liters/gallons that are displayed in the monitoring platform reports.
In order to create such a table, you need to fill the tank by step by step adding fuel to the tank batch by batch and recording level-liter(/gallon) pairs after each batch using the Tare menu in the application.
Suppose you need to tare a 100L tank in ten 10L portions.
To do this, you should connect the sensor and go to settings and check that the filtering is set to 0.
Filtration slows down level calculations and can increase tank calibration time.
Then go to the tank calibration menu
Then, you can click Start to create a new table, or click Resume to select an existing table from your smartphone memory and continue working with it. If you click Resume, you will need to locate the table file on your Android device that you created/downloaded earlier. Select another folder using the Main Menu button (1) or using the drop-down menu (2). Select the table and click on it (3)
Начать или Возобновить тарировку
Выбор файла таблицы тарировки для возобновления тарировки
If you click Start, you will also need to select the folder in which the table will be saved (2) and click the button to select it (3)
без|мини|752x752px|Выбор папки и создание нового файла тарировки Then, you can select the Fill or Drain method (1, 2). The Fill method is recommended as it is more accurate.
If you select the Drain method, you cannot be sure what exact amount of fuel is in the tank and whether the tank is full or not.
Next, give the table file a name (3) and set the portion size (4).
ATTENTION! Serving volume is not the number of servings! This is the number of liters/gallons in each serving! In the example below, the tank supposedly contains 100 liters and this volume can be divided into 10 portions of 10 liters. If the volume of the tank was 300L and it needed to be packaged into 10 servings, the serving size would be 30 L.
After this, click Continue (5).
Выбор метода тарировки, названия таблицы, размера порции
Выбор метода тарировки сливом, выбор объема топлива в баке
After this, you will have a table in which the first row will be 0 liters and level 1.
Первая строка тарировки. 0 литров-галлонов и уровень 1
You can always pause tank calibration and resume it.
Сохранение таблицы тарировки и выход из тарировки
Возобновление тарировки бака
The table is saved automatically after you click the + button.
Next, you should add the first portion of fuel to the tank. Once the level changes (3) and is displayed as Stable (4), press the + button (1).
In this example, level (3) does not change because during the work on this manual we did not have fuel to carry out a real calibration of the tank. In your case, the level should change (if the fuel touches the tubes) and be Stable before you press the + button.
The following line (2) will appear. The value in the Fuel column will increase according to the Step size (5) you specified when you created the table or when you last modified it (3).
Добавление первой порции в бак
Добавление строки тарировки
You can also change any line by pressing and holding it for some time, after which a dialog box will appear. This way you can correct possible errors.
без|мини|464x464px|Редактирование строки тарировки If you press a line and hold it and swipe left, it will be deleted.
Then, add the next portion of fuel to the tank. Wait for the level to change and stabilize, then press the + button (1). Continue this until the tank is full.
Добавление второй порции в бак
Добавление строки тарировки
What to do if it is not possible to completely empty the tank?
If you cannot completely empty the tank, you should somehow calculate the amount of fuel that is in the tank. After this, you can manually edit the table so that it looks like the example below. Or simply edit the table file before you upload it to the monitoring platform.
Let's assume that there are already 10 liters of fuel in the tank that cannot be removed, so when you place the sensor in the tank, it will immediately begin to show the level of 115, instead of 1.
10 литров топлива в баке, которые невозможно извлечь
Таблица тарировки при уже имеющихся в баке 10 литрах
Next, you can add the next portion to the tank. The level value should change. If the level does not change, check the drain holes. They may be blocked by duct tape that you may have used while calibrating the sensor or by pieces of sealing compound.
If this happens, the air trapped inside the tubes prevents the fuel from rising. без|мини|689x689px|Загрузка таблицы на Wialon (пример). Не забудьте отметить "Генерировать пары XY"
Tilted tank calibration with 2 FLSs
If it is not possible to level the car/tank with respect to the horizon, you can calibrate it in the tilted position of the tank.
Technically, this kind of calibration is no different from the usual one: you pour a portion of fuel into the tank, wait for the level to stabilize, fix it, and fill in the next portion.
However, the details of such calibration are much more important, so the algorithm of actions should be as follows:
- Pour portions of fuel into the tank until the fuel level reaches the measuring tubes of the second FLS, which is located higher due to the inclination.
- When the second sensor reaches the fuel level, reduce the size of the poured portion by half. IMPORTANT: it is necessary to reduce the portion only in the calibration tables for both FLS; the actual volume of the portion being filled remains unchanged.
- Once the tubes of the sensor located lower down are completely immersed in fuel, the calibration of this FLS is considered complete.
- However, before continuing calibration of the second FLS, it is necessary to return the nominal portion volume to the original (i.e. double it). IMPORTANT: The actual portion size still remains unchanged until the tank is finally filled and the calibration process is completed.
Thus, the resulting calculation tables (calibration tables) will be adequately accepted by the monitoring platform if a third FLS (virtual) is created in it, which is the sum of two real FLS. без|мини|517x517пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ1 без|мини|450x450пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ2
Calibration of a tank whose height varies along its length
This method of calibration is in many ways similar to that presented in the previous part.
The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Pour portions of fuel into the tank until the fuel level reaches the measuring tubes of the second FLS, which is located higher due to the difference in height.
- When the second sensor reaches the fuel level, reduce the size of the poured portion by half. IMPORTANT: it is necessary to reduce the portion only in the calibration tables for both FLS; the actual volume of the portion being filled remains unchanged.
- Continue calibrating in this manner until the tank is full.
Thus, the resulting calculation tables (calibration tables) will be adequately accepted by the monitoring platform if a third FLS (virtual) is created in it, which is the sum of two real FLS. без|мини|632x632пкс|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ 1 без|мини|Пример тарировочной таблицы ДУТ 2
After tank calibration is completed, select the required “Filtration” (1) and click “Set parameters” (2)
Below are recommendations for choosing the filtration level for different types of vehicles:
Recommended filtration level for wired FLS
0-1 | Stationary units |
2-6 | Vehicles on high or medium quality roads |
7-12 | Agricultural machinery units |
13-15 | Heavy-duty machinery |
General tips for installing filtration:
- If the length of the tubes is less than 30 cm, the filtration level must be set higher than usual
- The closer the sensor is to the tank walls, the higher the filtration is
- The worse the road surface, the higher the filtration
- Only median filtering type should be set
без|мини|819x819px|Пример до установки фильтрации и после.
Setting and deleting a password
If necessary, you can set a password on the sensor to change settings.
To do this:
- Go to the "Additional Features" menu
Файл:Переход в доп. возможности ТД-150 мобильное приложение .png
- In the menu that opens, you can enter a password consisting of numbers and then click “Install”. Also note that the password cannot start with 0.
Файл:Установка пароля ТД-150 мобильное приложение.png
To change the settings of a password-protected sensor or remove a password, you need to perform the password removal procedure
- Go to the "Additional Features" menu
- In the menu that opens, enter your password (or if you lose your password, the master password provided by technical support) and click “Remove”
Файл:Удаление пароля ТД-150 мобильное приложение.png
Attention! By default, there is no password set on the sensor! If you connected the sensor and a password was already set on it, contact technical support.
Connecting the sensor to the GPS terminal
Connection diagrams
In order to connect the sensor to the GPS terminal and to the power source, use the diagram presented below.
Sensor and cable sealing
Sealing sensor of the current design
You will need a sensor protective cover and a seal from the kit.
Защитная крышка проводных ДУТ
The cover is attached to the sensor head
без|мини|468x468пкс|Проводной дут с защитной крышкой Then the seal itself is fixed in a special hole (it must be inserted to the end, with the closed end facing outwards)
Установка пломбы на проводной дут
Установленная пломба на проводной дут
To remove the seal, screw the special key from the kit into it (you can also use any self-tapping screw of a suitable size) and pull it towards you.
без|мини|480x480пкс|Извлечение пломбы проводного дут без|мини|Пломба после извлечения Thus, it will be impossible to remove the seal without damaging it. This provides additional protection against unauthorized access.
Alternative sealing of a current sample sensor
Also included with the sensor of the current sample is an alternative seal if a numbered seal is required.
- It is necessary to pass the cable through the hole in the sensor cover 580x580пкс
- Pass both ends of the cable through the hole in the sensor head 580x580пкс
- Pass both ends through the seal, tighten the cable and install the seal by pressing on the protruding part 750x750пкс
Sealing sensor of the former design
Cable sealing
To seal the sensor connector, insert a plastic seal into the special hole on the sensor connector
Updating the sensor firmware
Актуальную версию прошивки вы можете в разделе загрузок на нашем сайте
Common problems and solutions
Level 7000
Level 7000 is an error code Short circuit. This indicates that there is dirt, water, chips or other impurities in the tubes. All of these can be highly conductive, while the sensor is designed to work with dielectrics such as fuel.
You should clean the sensor tubes - preferably by blowing them through the drain holes with compressed air.
If this error occurred after the start of operation of the sensor, it means that most likely these impurities got into the sensor tubes from the tank and in this case it is also necessary to flush the tank.
Level 6500
This code may indicate that the tubes have lost contact. This error code may be generated immediately after cutting the tubes. In this case, simply calibrate the sensor.
If this does not help, check the CNT. If the CNT is below 10,000, it is very likely that the tubes are not in contact with the sensor board.
Take a photo of the sensor head (the sensor serial number should be visible), its tubes (the correspondence or discrepancy of the tubes length should be clearly visible), take a screenshot of the main screen of the sensor and the Settings menu page in the application and send these data to tech support.
The sensor does not connect or is not recognized in the application
If the sensor does not connect to the configurator, do the following:
- Make sure that the correct COM port number is selected and that drivers and libraries are installed (STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (1)(C200M) or USB-SERIAL CH341A (2)(C200M2) in the COM and LPT ports section of the Windows device manager "to enter this menu, press win+r and enter devmgmt.msc and press OK (3) and then expand the com ports submenu (4)" 877x877пкс Файл:Выбор ком порта и ДУТ.png
- If possible, connect another sensor that is sure to work; if it connects, then there are no problems with the COM port or converter
- Connect another USB cable to the C200M (ADD PWR connector); check if the USB cable is working
- If another converter is used, ensure that sufficient power is supplied to the sensor (12 volts is optimal)
- When connecting the sensor, press Search for sensors within 15 seconds after power is applied to the sensor
- If the above does not help, reflash the FW of the sensor
- If you cannot complete the firmware, contact our technical support
Checking the connection between the sensor and the terminal via RS-485
If the sensor, for some reason, after you have configured everything correctly, does not transmit data to the terminal, you need to find out whether data is being exchanged between devices.
To do this, connect the sensor to the terminal via RS-485. Connect power to both devices.
After that, take the RS-485-USB converter and connect it between the sensor and the terminal as shown below:
For RS-485, lines A and B of the converter must be connected to lines A and B of the sensor без|мини|820x820пкс|Подключения для снятие лога RS-485 Запустите terminal.exe и настройте СОМ порт как показано ниже:
Baud rate – 19200, Parity – None, Stop-bits – 1, Handshaking – None
Also, check HEX or ASCII depending on the format in which information from the sensor will be transmitted. For all sensors except the TD-600 configured in RS-232 mode, you must select HEX.
After connecting the converter correctly, select the COM port and click Connect. If the sensor is polled by the terminal and responds, then everything is in order. без|мини|667x667пкс|Датчик отвечает терминалу по RS-485 If there is no communication between the two devices, try polling the sensor manually.
To do this, enter the request 31$01$06$6C for the sensor with network address 1 and click Send без|мини|673x673пкс|Отправка запроса на датчик The structure of the request depends on the network address of the sensor. If you change the sensor address to 255, for example, then the request would look like this
FF - 255 in HEX
29 - CRC checksum calculated for a specific request
In order to calculate the checksum, you can go to the crccalc website and enter your request without the $ sign, select HEX, CRC-8/MAXIM and click Calc CRC-8 без|мини|678x678пкс|Расчет CRC для адреса 255 If the sensor is polled by the terminal and responds, then everything is in order.
If the sensor does not respond to the terminal, but responds to a request you send manually, you should check your terminal's RS-485 ports.
If the sensor does not respond to anything, the standard FLS diagnostic procedure should be carried out.
Description of the LLS protocol
Протокол описан в данном документе
Example of a request and response for 1 network address:
Request: 31 01 06 6C
Response from sensor: 3E 01 06 19 01 00 92 5D BE
Purpose of contacts and wires
Remote control of FLS Escort
At the moment, Navtelecom and GlonassSoft terminals have the ability to configure wired Escort FLS by remotely connecting to the nav terminal without using the above commands. This can be done according to these instructions:
Смарт и Сигнал, встроенный конфигуратор
Смарт и Сигнал через создание команд в конфигураторе
It is also possible to send commands via SMS commands or tracker terminal.
At the moment, we know that the remote control function is supported by trackers of the Smart and Signal family produced by Navtelecom (Signal, Smart), Technocom (AvtoGRAPH) and GlonassSoft (UMKa). Transmission of commands to the sensor is possible only in RS-485 operating mode.
Для начала Вам необходимо открыть ПК-конфигуратор Эскорт; преобразователь и\или трекер, при этом, должны быть отсоединены от компьютера. Во вкладке Сервис кликните на опцию Дистанционное управление.
A window for generating commands for sending will open:
Here you need:
- Choose what type of commandd to generate
- Specify the current network address of the sensor to which the command will be sent
- Specify the parameters that need to be changed by this command
- Click on the Generate button
- Then you need to send the selected part of the command via the tracker configurator or by SMS message to the number of the current SIM card of this GPS terminal
ATTENTION: if a password is set on the sensor, you must first send a command to enter the password, and then the command that you need.
To decrypt the response to the sent command, you need:
- Copy that part of the response from the tracker that begins with 3E01..., and paste it into the input/output field in the Remote control tab of the Escort configurator
- Click on Decode reply